Chihuly at Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami

Chihuly at Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami
Nothing inspires me more than the colors and forms of the masterful glass artist, Dale Chihuly

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Inspired

I can’t begin to describe how much this summer has meant to me - my husband and I have hiked through wonderful parks and preserves and have discovered how much we really love nature. We’ve enjoyed it while hiking, appreciated it even more when we got home to see our photographs, and as we reminisce, we know that we have now found a new and exciting pastime.

The Beautiful Oak Hammock Park in Port St. Lucie, Florida
It seems a bit funny to think of ourselves - 10 to 12 years from now after our retirement begins - walking down trails with backpacks strapped on and bandannas tied around our necks - funny, but real.  This is not the life I imagined...but upon reflection, it is the best life that I could have imagined - sharing the inspiration of nature, possums and armadillos, owls and ospreys, flowers, lichens, sunsets and moonscapes, ocean breezes and chirping crickets with the best of friends, my husband of 24 years.  

Decaying tree stump in the lovely Walton Scrub, Port St. Lucie, Florida
Our life on the trail this summer has been so inspirational and has strengthened our relationship - we’ve truly found a common ground.  My husband's a fisherman and I am a crafter/reader/dreamer - not many places in the middle of these 2 hobbies where we could meet, but with hiking, we both enjoy the elements of our personal passions - the great outdoors he has enjoyed his entire life and the reflective moments and inspiration that I look for in my hobbies.

Gathering spot for the feathered flock - Hillmoor Park, Port St. Lucie, Florida

I can imagine being a hiker for the rest of my life.  Our photos show you why.

Old osprey's nest - Spruce Bluff Preserve - Port St. Lucie, Florida
  On the St. Lucie, in my view, it does not get any better than this!

The view as we emerged from Oak Hammock Park one sultry summer evening

INSPIRATION (according to Merriam-Webster):

The act or power of moving the intellect or the emotions...

About Vera

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Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
Love owls, Duke, birding, photography, pottery, whimsy, nature, dishes, antiques, crafts, walking, reading, art, get the picture - I'm inspired by everything. I yearn to be a more creative soul and look to refine these interests and perhaps build a business someday built on my passions and inspirations. In the meantime, I am just VERA INSPIRED.

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