Chihuly at Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami

Chihuly at Fairchild Tropical Garden - Miami
Nothing inspires me more than the colors and forms of the masterful glass artist, Dale Chihuly

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Inspired by your Mother

The 80th Birthday
This was a beauty - for a beautiful and much loved Mother.

"The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom."

- Henry Ward Beecher, US Congressional clergyman

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INSPIRATION (according to Merriam-Webster):

The act or power of moving the intellect or the emotions...

About Vera

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Port St Lucie, Florida, United States
Love owls, Duke, birding, photography, pottery, whimsy, nature, dishes, antiques, crafts, walking, reading, art, get the picture - I'm inspired by everything. I yearn to be a more creative soul and look to refine these interests and perhaps build a business someday built on my passions and inspirations. In the meantime, I am just VERA INSPIRED.

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